Digital Garden - Comparison with blog
The major issue seems to be that of semantics. There is no universal definition of "blog". However, most blogs we see have the following pattern.
- Most posts are essay-ish.
- Posts are standalone. They might link to resources outside the blog itself.
- Blog index pages are a time-stamped stream that is very RSS friendly.
- Posts are published after a certain finality is achieved. It is more performative writing.
In comparison, digital gardens are more like a personal mini Wikipedia.
- Length of posts vary between a tweet sized bit to a couple of paragraphs.
- Posts are linked to each other. Other posts in digital garden either continue the conversation or are laterally related to current post. Most digital gardens also shows backlinks - those posts which link to the current post.
- Digital garden has a curated home page.
- Digital garden in more like a broadcast log of the knowledge acquired. It follows the philosophy of "working with your garage door open".
As you can see, all these characteristics are arbitrarily distributed between blog and a digital garden. There is nothing preventing from having a blog with characters mentioned under digital garden category or vice versa.