Time Blocking - What, Why and How
Divide day into blocks of time dedicated to separate tasks
- Open ended todo lists is less effective as you do easy tasks first, leaving frogs uneaten
- Helps to avoid perfectionism
- Helps to club shallow tasks and do more deep work
- Prioritise task list using a weekly review and create and rough outline of time blocks
- At the end of day, review tasks that remain unfinished and adjust time blocks of the rest of the week
- Batch shallow tasks
- Have leisure blocks. However try and be spontaneous in what leisure activity you choose to do there
- Have pause blocks/overflow blocks - or even overflow days
- Be flexible. If something does not go according to plan readjust blocks depending on priority. Time blocks are suggestions, not prisons.
- Be liberal with time allotment to tasks until you get a realistic grip on the time required for the same.
- Optional: You can combine time-boxing to test Parkinson’s law.