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Bad ideologies - Criteria

“Doubt each old thing you know. Require current evidence. Make it prove itself to be true today. Otherwise, let it go.” - really cannot remember who said it.

What is an ideology

An ideology is a coherent set of ideas that should help you make sense of the world.
Set of normative beliefs and values that a person or other entity hold.

Normative : Standard for evaluating or making judgments about behavior or outcomes. Designating some actions or outcomes as good or desirable or permissible and others as bad or undesirable or impermissible.

3 Major criteria for bad ideology

  1. The ultimate aim of the ideology is not reduction of human suffering and increase of human happiness
  2. It violated basic human rights of life, liberty and property
  3. It discriminates based on parameters beyond human control.
    • For eg: A person’s color or gender or nationality are parameters beyond human control.

3 Minor criteria

  1. Historical evidence of practicality is lacking.
    • Applicable only to social aspect. You can follow an ideology and codify your personal life based on any ideology as long as it does not affect others.
  2. Limits criticism of itself.
  3. Is not resilient enough to guide decision making in new and unforeseen circumstances.
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