Anki - Notes on things as they are now

Card types

  1. Image occlusion: Piotr Wozniak has backed image occlusion in the 20 rules of information retention
  2. ModifiedCloze: Title, Cloze, Extras
  3. ModifiedBasic: Title, Front, Options, Back, Extras

Justification for Title field

  1. It helps to collect repeated text to a separate field and put frozen field addon to good use
Title: Osteomyelitis - Organism causeing the following type
Cloze:  Feathery - {{c1::Mycobacterium}}

Title: Osteomyelitis - Organism causing the following type
Cloze:  Ivory - {{c1::Syphilis}}
  1. It ties up related cards well in card browser, at a more granular level than tags could afford.
  1. AutoEase Factor: Frequency of by button presses is as follows: Good » Again > Hard » Easy. Anki documents claim that when you press hard, the ease factor drops down and you see the card more often. Eventually you learn the card well enough to mark it as easy - which will bring back the ease factor up.

    Given the hesitation to press “easy” button as evidenced from stats, the dropped ease factors do not recover. Anki users call this situation “ease hell”. AutoEase Factor addon provides solution to this problem by raising ease factor automatically if you get a card right consecutively. It considers the entire history of a card in deciding its current ease factor. If your average ease factor is below 250, give this addon a try.

  2. Popup dictionary: To an extend, it helps to solve the fragmentation of knowledge that comes as a side effect of minimum information principle.

  3. Image Occlusion:

Make emphasis colorful.

Changing colors of bold, italics and other empasis markers will make them more noticeable.

Eg: add the following styles to the style section of your cards (customised for night mode).

b {
	color: #fabd2f !important;

u {
	text-decoration: none;
	color: #8ec07c;
	font-weight: bold

i {
	color: #fe8019;
	font-weight: bold;
	font-style: normal;

Use images


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