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About bjp, politics and friendship

Simple facts first.

BJP is a communal fascist organization who repeatedly publicised their intend via actions to oppress and commit murderous rampages against every minority of my country. Their very existence points to the location of a purulent abscess in our collective psyche.
Every supporter of this political virus is aiding, abetting and openly signalling willingness to support what will amount to genocide if they are let to have their way.

Never have I ever tried to define the word ‘friend’. Keeping it vague has always granted me comfort and flexibility of a large enough circle. Neither am I one to mix politics with cordial relations. Today I am breaking both those precedents. The least minimum criterion for a ‘friend’ is that person shall not wish death upon me. If you are a supporter of the above mentioned terrorist outfit, and at the same time shared what amounts to a bond of friendship with me, I hereby relieve you of the latter burden.

In times when deaths and brushes with deaths of near and dear ones are a weekly incident, I fear opportunities to speak truth might be getting fewer and fewer. May God save this country, for humans definitely seem incapable of.

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